NEWS for #NBATwitter crowd: In Delta about-face, NBA to make courtside players + staff (vaxxed or not) wear masks on bench. But union wins on no off-day testing + "suggested" distancing for unvaxxed players on team plane/bus. Last sticking point: the club.
— Matt Sullivan (@sullduggery) September 26, 2021
"The NBA should insist that all players and staff are vaccinated or remove them from the team."
"What I find especially disingenuous about the vaccine deniers is their arrogance."
Kareem with the sky-hook truth bomb, in a land of anti-truth.
— Matt Sullivan (@sullduggery) September 26, 2021
Great post, Sean, and a subject dear to our hearts and lives. The toxicity of politics is eroding everytning in the USA and around the world. Enough. Vaccine mandates save lives. WTF is with these people who think it’s OK to not get vaccinated and to put others lives at risk. I never hope for an opposing player to get injured but I’m hoping right now that the league holds firm and Kyrie and Wiggins either do the right thing or sit out every home game. Wake up. You are helping kill people who wouldn’t die if you and all of the right wingerss would just get vaccinated and wear a mask. You have no right to risk other people’s lives.