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    Dog Days Fun

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    Plan H

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    • I would’ve let Lebron walk and never drafted his stupid kid, and traded AD to fuel the rebuild, but all I care about is winning. Lebron was never taking any less money and the team didn’t have any assets worth a crap to get anyone good. Did anyone actually believe they were going to get Lebron to play for like 33mil to open that MLE no one wanted?

      Murray was the only one worth rolling the dice, but he exhibits all the characteristics of a good stats, bad team guy who’ll falter under bright lights. Klay and Derozan both got gross overpays on deals the Lakers couldn’t afford with trades of assets they didn’t have. Who da hell else we talkin about? Ainge wants another Gobert type deal to move Markannen. Lakers have neither the assets nor cap space to bring on another max guy.

      The only realistic way out of this cap purgatory is to end the Lebron era, but that’s not happening until he either walks away voluntarily or hobbles off the floor one last time. Management doesn’t have the cajones to send him packing otherwise.

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    MongoSlade wrote a new post

    Hope everyone had a great 4th. We had an awesome cookout yesterday and of course the conversation turned towards the Lakers. The question I always put out there is what kinda culture are they building? What’s the guiding set of principles for the future? Somebody made a great point about Meritocracy. It feels like nobody in the positions of power have actually EARNED their status and then how does that trickle down & infect the entire franchise? We all know how the Owner, Governess?, whatever her title got her job. The GM got installed due to his relationship with Kobe while having no practical experience. Head Coach?….pretty much the same situation. 55th pick?…’nuff said. Just another wrinkle that I hadn’t seen previously. We’ve got foundational problems that run so much deeper than just finding a backup center…smdh

    The Culture

    Hope everyone had a great 4th. We had an awesome cookout yesterday and of course the conversation turned towards the Lakers. The question I always put out there is what kinda culture are they building? What’s the guiding set of principles for the future? Somebody made a great point about Meritocracy. It feels like nobody in the positions of power have actually EARNED their status and then how does that trickle down & infect the entire franchise? We all know how the Owner, Governess?, whatever her title got her job. The GM got installed due to his relationship with Kobe while having no practical experience. Head Coach?….pretty much the same situation. 55th pick?…’nuff said. Just another wrinkle that I hadn’t seen previously. We’ve got foundational problems that run so much deeper than just finding a backup center…smdh

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    • The problem would be easy to fix but I doubt it will ever happen. Jeanie is the problem. She is so insecure that she surrounds herself with a committee. In a way I feel sorry for Rob. Most GM’s make moves and the owner signs off. Robb has to run it by Jeanie’s posse. I mean why does Linda Rambus have a say in basketball decisions? The solution is turn the basketball decisions over to Jessie and Joey Buss. Dr Buss had them interning with Mitch when they were teens. They have grown up in the basketball operations side. They put together and run one of the best scouting departments in the NBA. I wonder how they felt about drafting Bronny. Probably bleed from biting their tongues so hard. Anyway they probably have more basketball knowledge than most owners around the league. I know Jessie admired the Spurs organization and fought hard to build a scouting department. With development more important than ever because of the CBA I really think they would do a good job. But like I said, it probably will never happen.

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    Pretty Much....

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    • lmao….and just in comparison: Presti & OKC just picked up Caruso & Hartenstein while losing Josh Giddy and ZERO DRAFT PICKS. Hell, we can’t even find coaches to fill out the staff for JayJay The Basketball Messiah. It really feels like the rest of the league knows we’re running a clown operation right now. Hurley was smart not to fall for the bullsh!t.

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    The reality of Rob

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    • @MongoSlade. I am not sure if there is anybody out there who is more frustrated than I am. Every day I wake up I would be expecting some good news about what the Lakers are doing to improve the roster, but instead I am feeling like someone whose relative is in hospice care with no expectation of any good news. This lack of action is taking a toll on me mentally. I understand that we’re financially handicapped, but somebody got us in this mess to begin with. And there is no other person to point fingers to other than Rob the culprit. The worst part is nobody knows when these dark clouds hovering above us will dissipate. What a horrible feeling!

    • Folks like to make excuses for Rob (much like Broussard did in this clip) and I get it. Good looking, slick talking dudes of a certain persuasion often get a pass that others don’t (we’re gonna see it ALOT with JayJay The Basketball Messiah over the next few years). I didn’t expect many free agency moves from us simply because of our salary & roster construction right now. Lebron gave a ray of hope but as I said above…it’s turning out not to be as simple as it first seemed. But Rob put himself in that predicament! He’s not a victim of circumstance or some sort of unforeseen calamity; he did this sh!t on purpose! The thing we’re most desperately missing is a grown-up in the room and that’s the main difference between Dr Buss & Jeannie. He knew his own shortcomings and the value of hiring folks who knew more than he did. That’s a component of leadership that alotta folks in those positions never grasp.

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    Lebron ain’t giving up half his salary for any of these dudes left who would fit into that MLE. Lakers FO needed to be ready to move quickly but that’s never been Rob’s strong suit (not sure he has one). CP3 & JV didn’t even wait around to go to a contender…

    Pay that man his money

    Lebron ain’t giving up half his salary for any of these dudes left who would fit into that MLE. Lakers FO needed to be ready to move quickly but that’s never been Rob’s strong suit (not sure he has one). CP3 & JV didn’t even wait around to go to a contender…

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    • Lakers stuff @about the 4:25 mark. Sounds like Lebron needs to drop all the way down to $30mill (ouch!!!) and we lose Christie in order to open up that MLE. That’s about a $20mill haircut for LBJ; about double what was 1st being reported.

      • It’s hard for me to imagine that he’ll give up that much cash. I don’t care how grateful he might for us drafting Jr.

        • LeBron’s dreaming of winning an NBA championship with his son. That’s what’s more important than the money right now. Fascinating possibility. Never saw this coming but I love it and hope Rob will take advantage of it.

          • The problem is that (as Michael H. just said) this FA class isn’t very strong at all so it’s doubtful that him giving up the money will actually move us up the ladder in the West all that much. We’re most likely gonna be a 5th seed at best no matter what.

        • We also brought in JayJay The Basketball Messiah for him. This paycut mighta been part of that whole plan (after Hurley told us to kick rocks….lol).

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    Jaxson Hayes

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    • This one I’m a little surprised by but it also makes sense for both sides. He showed a lot of improvement last season, if he can build in that he’s in a good position to cash in next summer. Not a ton if money or roles out there better than this situation.

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      • Russell checks the NBA landscape and realizes no better offers are coming. Notice how he managed to wait until just after the Murray deal. He clearly didn’t wanna go there. IDK if Ainge wants him for Markinnen along with whatever draft capital the Lakers can muster, but looking like their last hope of an upgrade. Looks like Lakers stuck with him again.

        • I think that’s a two-way street, pretty sure the Hawks only wanted Reaves. Coulda had DLo at the deadline, he didn’t improve his value in the playoffs and here we are.

          • Reaves + Filler + 2 1’s I’d probably do. I’d think the FO would too. So unless they weren’t willing to make that offer, ATL found the Pel’s combo of picks, expiring Nance and promising Daniels on a rookie deal more appealing. I’m inclined to believe the latter. No one besides Tommy boy values those picks enough to give up “all-star” talent.

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    Rob Slow On The Trigger....Again

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    • That’s alot less than what I thought it would cost.

    • Gotta wait now to see what D.Russell decides tomorrow.

    • Looks like no one’s super hyped on some draft pick 100 years from now.

      • No one was really clear what the Hawks were doing until now. They are rebuilding. The deal makes sense from that standpoint. They get a 6’ 8” 21 year old combo guard that can defend and has a high ceiling. Larry Nance is a 11 million expiring deal that they can also flip. And 2 draft picks, one next year and then in 27. Those picks make more sense for a rebuild than a pick 5 years from now. Ironically, we drafted Nance, the Pels used a Laker pick for Daniel’s and the 2025 pick is the Lakers pick.

        • Totally agree Michael. The combination of picks in the near future, big chunk of expiring money that is still flippable and an up and coming prospect.

    • This tells me the Lakers (and by extension Reddick) value Reaves more than Murray and that expiring $$$ is more valuable than Hachimura, at least to Atlanta.

      • Which really shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone. Also that picks still years away are in fact NOT as valuable as picks that come sooner.

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    MongoSlade wrote a new post

    I’m so happy Rob didn’t make a stupid over-reach and waste the pick on a damn backup center and instead took the best guy left on the board. You just hired a guy who’s gonna stress 3pt shooting so common sense says that you go out & get shooters….it ain’t rocket surgery (lol).

    The thing I like about Knecht is that he’s a good example of a player I think we need more of…I want a buncha young, quick, athletic live wires all around 6’5″-6’9″ surrounding our CENTER Anthony Davis.

    The drawback for Knecht is that he’s not a defender and we need TWO-WAY PLAYERS. We scored 118pts a game..that’s #2 in the West. Best in the league was IND at 123 (World Champs scored 120). Problem is that we gave up 117 in the process! Can JayJay squeeze out an extra 4 or 5 points? Probably. But if we continue to neglect the defense (especially the perimeter) then we’re gonna be a 5 or 6 seed and a 2nd round exit. Can’t go into the season (and definitely not the playoffs) with this same backcourt.

    Backup center? Much easier to fill that spot than finding elite shooting & athleticism. 3 & D wings are becoming even more rare. Rob gotta show us something……

    Very Good Pick

    I’m so happy Rob didn’t make a stupid over-reach and waste the pick on a damn backup center and instead took the best guy left on the board. You just hired a guy who’s gonna stress 3pt shooting so common sense says that you go out & get shooters….it ain’t rocket surgery (lol).

    The thing I like about Knecht is that he’s a good example of a player I think we need more of…I want a buncha young, quick, athletic live wires all around 6’5″-6’9″ surrounding our CENTER Anthony Davis.

    The drawback for Knecht is that he’s not a defender and we need TWO-WAY PLAYERS. We scored 118pts a game..that’s #2 in the West. Best in the league was IND at 123 (World Champs scored 120). Problem is that we gave up 117 in the process! Can JayJay squeeze out an extra 4 or 5 points? Probably. But if we continue to neglect the defense (especially the perimeter) then we’re gonna be a 5 or 6 seed and a 2nd round exit. Can’t go into the season (and definitely not the playoffs) with this same backcourt.

    Backup center? Much easier to fill that spot than finding elite shooting & athleticism. 3 & D wings are becoming even more rare. Rob gotta show us something……

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    • I desperately wanted a backup center but it was good to see Rob ‘adapt’ and make a JJ Redick pick and not let a dead-eye shooter like Dalton get by.

      It will be interesting to see how he does defensively. He has 2nd best vertical and is athletic. Reminds me of Bogdan Bogdanovic. Great size at 6′ 6″ w/6′ 9″ wingspan.

      I’m with you on the future of the league is tall, long, fast, athletic players who can shrink the court defensively and rain threes. The JJ Redick era is going to modernize the Lakers.

      Hiring JJ will give the Lakers somebody with a vision at last.

      • JayJay is just another coach. If Rob can’t somehow piece together a balanced roster then none of the hyperbole will make a bit of difference. Knecht is a step in the right direction but we need alot more….alot

    • The other misconception is that we’re fine offensively. The truth is our failure to embrace the 3-point revolution has saddled us with a 10-points per game negative differential in made 3-point shots. Imagine if we eliminate that differential but still win PIP and FTM. That’s a championship formula. No question we need to get better defensively but we also need to get better offensively, specifically in taking and making more threes without losing our domination in the paint and at the line.

      • We scored 118pts a game. That ain’t chump change. I honestly don’t give 2 shits about where the points come from…you ain’t gonna score a whole helluvalot more than that. The difference is defense; especially come playoff time. Even when GSW was rolling they were elite defensively. We JUST saw BOS clamp down on what was being touted as 1 of the most talented offensive backcourts in history. It ain’t flashy & sexy but we ain’t winning a damn thing without it improving.

        • While Dalton may never become a stopper, with hustle and desire there is no reason he can’t become a good team defender. He has the frame and wing span needed.

          • True, but that can be said for a large percentage of players in the league. Hell, we see it every night with Austin Reaves. He plays with alotta hustle & desire on defense but constantly finds himself outta position. We’ll have to see how the rest of this roster is put together because if we’re playing Lebron and Austin and Knecht at the same time then that ain’t a very good defensive unit no matter who the other 2 guys are…even if it’s AD & DJM. Good teams will hunt the mismatches.

    • Couldn’t agree more and it’s really funny to me that Rob has set the bar so low we all get happy and congratulatory when he simply makes the correct decision “Oh, Rob didn’t blow it?! YES!!!!” was my basic vibe last night. Very low bar for a job that should have much higher standards.

      • Eventually folks are gonna come to the realization that Rob is the weak link and has been from the day he was hired. But I guarantee he’ll be nominated for Executive Of The Year in this forum a few weeks from now….lol

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    The passing of Jerry West put some things in perspective for me in terms of the current situation the Lakers find themselves in. The 1st thing folks want to do is compare JayJay Redick to Pat Riley or Steve Kerr or even Eric Spoelstra. But what we fail to realize is the common thread that runs through Riles & Kerr and ultimately to Spo (thru Riles) is Jerry West. I don’t think they have the same success without that guiding hand, mentorship, and presence in that office down the hallway. I hated the way he was portrayed in that Winning Time series (hell, just about everyone came out looking bad in that thing) but you can really tell how influential the man was when you read the tributes by the guys who worked under him (Ty Lue included).

    So now I look at JayJay as a potential coach. No doubt, he has a good “basketball mind” (most guys who spent their life in the game do) but who’s gonna be his Jerry West? That part really eats at me. I suspect that it may be one of many reasons for Hurley turning down the job. Who’s gonna be the architect of the future? Who has the plan? Is there a plan? If you say Rob Pelinka then…..we got a problem. We tried to compare him to Bob Myers…but guess what? Jerry West mentored him too!!!!!

    Sometimes it just feels like we need a grown-up in the room.


    The passing of Jerry West put some things in perspective for me in terms of the current situation the Lakers find themselves in. The 1st thing folks want to do is compare JayJay Redick to Pat Riley or Steve Kerr or even Eric Spoelstra. But what we fail to realize is the common thread that runs through Riles & Kerr and ultimately to Spo (thru Riles) is Jerry West. I don’t think they have the same success without that guiding hand, mentorship, and presence in that office down the hallway. I hated the way he was portrayed in that Winning Time series (hell, just about everyone came out looking bad in that thing) but you can really tell how influential the man was when you read the tributes by the guys who worked under him (Ty Lue included).

    So now I look at JayJay as a potential coach. No doubt, he has a good “basketball mind” (most guys who spent their life in the game do) but who’s gonna be his Jerry West? That part really eats at me. I suspect that it may be one of many reasons for Hurley turning down the job. Who’s gonna be the architect of the future? Who has the plan? Is there a plan? If you say Rob Pelinka then…..we got a problem. We tried to compare him to Bob Myers…but guess what? Jerry West mentored him too!!!!!

    Sometimes it just feels like we need a grown-up in the room.

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    • You make so many good points, Mongo. As the son of an entrepreneur, I can understand why Jeanie wants to hold onto the Lakers and her role as the franchise’s governor and final decision maker. She has her network of trustworthy allies and it’s doubtful that will change for the foreseeable future.

      We can wish she would see how hiring Bob Myers to take over could double the value of the Lakers but the best we can do is hope they hire a coach who somehow someway can turn out to be a legacy coach who will provide the team with an identity and develop a championship culture and chemistry.

      For me, that’s where JJ Redick comes in. Of course, he’s the typical out-of-the-box both logical and risky solutions everybody knows I love but I give Rob and Jeanie credit for being inspired. There will obviously be lots of bumps along the way but I think JJ is exactly the kind of person who could be the visionary we need.

      I do agree he needs a visionary. I’m sure there will be some discussions the next few days with the Finals all but over about staff. Be great to have Stan Van Gundy, whom JJ played for, maybe as that mentor/lead assistant. Also might be good to have somebody who is great as a defensive coordinator to balance JJ’s obvious offensive bent.

      Anyway, I’m thrilled. We’re lucky to have avoided Hurley imo and JJ will modernize our offense and take and make a lot more threes w/o sacrificing PIP & FTM.

      • Something I didn’t notice until recently, but we had the #2 scoring offense in the West last season. That wasn’t the problem; it was the defense.

        As for JayJay…I just don’t see how he’s suddenly considered to be some kinda Messiah of Basketball. I give a ton of credit to his agent & PR team. I’ve watched the podcast…nothing revolutionary there. Basketball Xs & Os aren’t that complicated cuz there just aren’t that many moving pieces. Pick & Roll has been around since the game was invented and it’s still damn near unstoppable when run correctly. Schemes are only gonna get you so far.

        Meyers would be great but again…why take this job right now? With the new apron rules and our lack of assets, it’s gonna be a struggle to build as long as Lebron & AD are getting paid. I feel like front offices will have to retool their strategies in this new environment. Presti has OKC in perfect position with all those picks and if I were a brand new head coach that’s the type of situation I’d be looking for. Hurley will be great because he has shown he has a knack for picking talent that fits what he’s doing and can deal with his coaching style….that’s a quality that’s more important than Xs & Os to me. He needs a team where he can start from scratch and guaranteed time to build it up & establish a culture. Lakers ain’t that.

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    Slick Ric on JayJay

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