While it is the offseason for the Lakers, the conversations around the team continue, and bringing their great history of Laker opinion-making, the guys from lakerholics.com are here to debate over what directions the team needs to make to get back to the NBA Finals. Listen in as the #1 Laker blogger LakerTom and “Admiral Akbar” himself Jamie Sweet (aka Yamie Swoot) go over the latest news and rumors plus with the team in various needs of an upgrade, look for LakerTom to provide some of those well-known LakerTom-style trade proposals only he can make. So sit back and relax as the Lakerholics provide you with some fan and debate on this Lakers Weekend right here at the Lakers Fast Break podcast! For the latest updates on the NBA Draft, head over to Stone Hansen’s show, The Upside Swings NBA Draft Podcast today at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast
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Presented by our friends at lakerholics.com, lakersball.com, Pop Culture Cosmos, Inside Sports Fantasy Football, Vampires and Vitae, SynBlades.com, YouTube’s John Mikaelian, the novel Congratulations, You Suck (available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble), The Happy Hoarder, and Retro City Games!
Minor disappointed that LT wasn’t face painted Gold and Purple! Call himself a Laker Fan, ha!
Man, that is funny as hell, DJ.
: )
I will say that as hard facts come out regarding the CBA and it’s Laker implications Tom and I plan on going over those so if that sort of thing is a struggle to read feel free to tune in.