Rafael Barlowe from NBA Draft Junkies, Jamie Sweet, Sean Grice and LakerTom from lakerholics.com, are live to recap the Lakers 105-103 victory over the Denver Nuggets.
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Presented by our friends at NBA Draft Junkies, lakerholics.com, Pop Culture Cosmos, Zero Cool Films, the novel Congratulations, You Suck (available for purchase HERE), and Retro City Games!
Man, this was the best Lakers Fast Break podcast ever. If you want to have a fun time and revel in AD’s game winning, buzzer beating shot and the Lakers big win over the Nuggets, this is the podcast you need to listen to.
Gerald was his usual host extraordinaire but the guests weren’t in the mood to be controlled and the results were the funniest pod we’ve ever made. Sean was brilliant, especially his portrayal of JaVale McGee belonging on the Isle of Misfit Toys as well as several other hilarious rejoinders, Rafael’s dry wit and sparkling intelligence were on full throttle, and even Jamie’s glass half empty repartee was rocking and rolling.
I joined Chuck in bringing out the brooms, Gerald tried in vain to cancel the Rondo bandwagon, and we had some heated discussions about whether to start Dwight Howard, whether the Nuggets could win a game, and whether the Heat of Celtics would be a tougher matchup for the Lakers in the Finals.
So jump aboard the fun train and join us in celebrating a great Lakers win. 10 down and 6 to go. Lakers going to win their 17th NBA championship. Don’t forget that 5 star review. Thanks.
lol, the glass is always full of cautious optimism LT. It does not runneth over with unfettered optimism.
Fun podcast, I feel for non-Laker fan Rafael B. We were on the ‘pumped up’ side of the ledger, lol.