The upstart Utah Jazz came into town on their “Go Ahead and Count Us Out” tour and promptly showed the league exactly why we should not count them out. Again. If you’re still surprised at the Jazz start or the Lakers’ record, don’t be. These are two perfect storms colliding in totally different ways. One is a storm of fresh starts and new opportunities for guys who have been relegated to something lesser, the other a storm of age, expectations and desperation. I’ll let you decide which is which. One thing became crystal clear last night: this Laker team needs to leave no room for error and become perfect margin walkers.
- LeBron vs. Father Time: Round 8. Victor? Father Time. LeBron didn’t make a three for the 2nd straight game. Looked, for the most part, uninterested in playing defense or forcing the action into the paint. He also tweaked the ankle of his already injured left foot all while playing 34 minutes. It’s not this his jumper is fading late as he works his way back into shape it’s that it’s not there at all, yet. This version of LeBron spells nothing but doom. Trade anyone you like, it won’t fix issues stemming from the King’s lack of explosiveness. He went to his bully hall game, eventually, but found the defense loaded. One wrinkle I would have liked to see was re-inserting Matt Ryan at some point in the second half. He hit a three, had one wiped off by a bad call on LeBron and might have helped unclog the paint more than Troy Brown Jr. or Patrick Beverley (more on him later). At any rate it won’t really matter if threat of LeBron from three doesn’t exist. Which doesn’t currently exist.
- The Incredible Vanishing AD. 20 points and inspired play in the first half. I would be flummoxed if asked how he scored his last two points. Free throws? Outback? Layup? Couldn’t tell you because in the second half AD left his game and energy in the locker room. This game was one for both the diehard AD supporters and the fine with AD basically crowd. You got both versions! I’m one game! Conveniently split up by halves. In his defense, when they went big we should have gone big and matched up better because we don’t really have an effective small ball line up. Not will we anytime soon. Jones could have helped keep Kessler and the Jazz off the offensive glass as a lot of those rebounds were just a guy playing big.
- Mr. MVP. You heard, I heard and I personally loved it. I have never once bought into the idea that the issues with the Lakers start and end with Russ. The man plays hard as f$&@. He’s embraced a role he likely despises. sTA-er-…Crypto….dot com…arena showered him (and not LeBron or AD) with MVP chants. He deserves that. Why? Because he’s the best player the Lakers have right now. Go ahead and read that again if you have to but it’s true. He’s the one applying pressure, being coachabke, and showing up with purpose. AD took the entire 2nd half off, LeBron is either still working his way into game shape r old. Russ is taking a ragtag group of nobodies and has-been an and going in 25-14 runs, getting the crowd pumped and doing his job. His entire vibe is night and day from last season. I love it.
- Patrick Beverly is gun shy. You can’t pass up open shots and you can’t just be a cheerleader or stop Matt Ryan from celebrating the biggest shot of his life. We need him to apply some kind of pressure on the defense and he seems incapable or unwilling to do so. At this point I expect him to lose his starting job the second Schroder is cleared to play because we sorely lack someone other than Russ and (when he chooses to) LeBron collapsing the defense. Pat needs to up his aggression. Honestly, that was a weird thing to type but I think it’s true.
- When the other team gets 20 more field goal attempts and you walloped them in free throws made and taken you know who was playing harder. The free throws were legit, Utah forces the whistle with aggressive play in both ends for a full 48. The Lakers play “The Ref” game and aren’t focused on getting back, boxing out, or running guys off the three point line. This was a truly winnable game had LeBron had more of an impact, AD showed up in the second half or anyone took on the task of boxing out or denying threes. Nobody did, that’s why we’re 2-6 instead of a momentum building 3-5. Still, this team has shown me something on this homestand. I just question that it’s enough.
There are a lot of challenges this season. Must first year coaches are like Will Hardy, given rebuilding projects with extremely low expectations except to see a lottery ball with the number 1 on it. Ham has a legendary franchise with unrealistic expectations and the tools are suspect. One night Russ is off, AD is in and out both physically and mentally, and James is old. The rest of the roster are 10-15 bench players on a lot of teams. This was always going to be a challenge. Good thing all parties involved came in with eyes wide open.
This 5er is right on point. I would say my biggest disappointment is AD disappearing in the second half. I am still scratching my head as to what went wrong, but that is unacceptable.
Lebron hasn’t looked like himself since he got sick. And now with the ankle injury, it’s going to be another slow process to get back to full strength. This was a winnable game had LeBron and AD played close to their strengths.
They Lakers were caught off guard to start the game. Allowing 75 points in the first half was just very bad and if you let the opponent shoot 60% from the 3-point range your chance of winning is almost nonexistent.
Also, Pat Beverly deserves a Westbrook-size criticism for being awol so far, though Westbrook has been the best player the last couple of games. As you said, I am seeing Dennis take his minutes when he gets back from his injury. Your take on Ryan playing more in the second half is right on the money.
Overall, though, I am seeing a Lakers team that is starting to figure things out. We haven’t even played a team below 500 yet, so there is optimism in my mind. Thanks for the post, Jamie.
Good fiver, Jamie.
1. LeBron and Father Time. There is no question LeBron is not playing like himself right now. Hopefully, it’s the flu and ankle and not Father Time but either way, it’s not good news for the Lakers. We’ve always had a positive net rating for LeBron and it’s been other players who haven’t been able to post positives. This Lakers team has no chance of winning without LeBron being LeBron. This is concerning because Father Time will win someday. Let’s just hope it’s not this year.
2. AD’s second half. I blame this on Ham. After scoring 20 in the first half, he should have focused on getting Davis more than just 4 shots, especially with LeBron having a subpar game. I love how AD is playing but it appeared as if the coach should have made more adjustments to get AD shots. Part of it may be because LeBron was acting as the point guard and making poor decisions down the stretch. AD needs big bounceback games as does LeBron.
3. Russ played well again, athough it’s scary having him make threes. He’s been great coming off the bench and it’s a shame there’s no way to continue that because we need the shooters we can get by trading him. Makes me want to wish there was a way to keep Russ and re-sign him for $10M to be our bench point guard but we all know that won’t work. Happy for Russ as he has shown he can make an adjustment that may keep him in the league.
4. Beverley is gone. Whether his salary is used with Nunn and a pick to sign Terry Rozier, Myles Turner, or Jae Crowder. I love Pat’s fire on D but he has turned into a negative on offense. Fortunately, he can be put to good use in a secondary trade.
5. I still look at the loss to the Jazz as a huge silver lining. There is no question the right Jazz trade could be better than the Pacers trade because the Lakers could end up getting four legitimate rotation players from Utah. The big question will be how badly does Ainge want the Lakers two unprotected picks. They will have to give up Markkanen to get them imo.
1. Father time won a while back. Anyone refusing to see it is either a blind homer, bron jock rider, or probably both. Dude is cooked and trying to pretend otherwise is really counterproductive at this point.
2. AD’s just not right in the head nor physically. You’ll get some good nights and some crap ones. Trade him before he gets hurt.
3. He’s the only one out there really trying. Too bad he’s just not good, and of course, that contract.
4. Yeah didn’t think he’d make anyone miss THT, and certainly not this quickly. Another guy you’ll need to attach an asset you don’t have to get rid of. May as well ride it out for what’s already another lost season.
5. Trade, trade, trade, trade, trade, blah blah blah ad nauseum. Get over it. It’s probably not happening, already too late. As long as points 1&2 are true, there’s no trade making any notable difference.